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Mislim da ti je tvoja orepina zakačena na pogrešnom kraju lanca :) :) :)
Još bolje na vrhu sidra ( ako ima alku- moje ima)

evo jos jedne ilustracije, a i dela teksta koji ide uz nju

Anchor Buoys
Anchor buoys are very useful in order to indicate the position of an anchor – either your own or the anchors of other boats (Figure 3.14). The use of anchor buoys has become rarer these days, although in many places, for example the Mediterranean, the seabed is littered with old chains and wrecks. In such places, an anchor buoy attached to the anchor crown would be a smart move in case the anchor should get stuck on any rubbish.
The problem with anchor buoys is that other people often think they may use them as mooring buoys! Or they mistake them for crab pots that may be emptied. Of course it is possible to mark the buoy with the name of the boat, although this isn’t easily seen in the dark. Long-distance cruisers, therefore, often use empty plastic bottles as anchor buoys.


--- Citat: espresso  20, 02, 2009, 15:55:11 posle podne ---kapetane, bova, orepina, MORA biti konopom vezana za glavu sidra. imam jedan prirucnik na americkom jeziku, al ima puno slika u boji. da li da te slike postavis da svi vide o cemu se tu radi. ko razume americki jos bolje.

--- Kraj citata ---

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